I believe that advancing my knowledge and skills in technology will help me in my career as a coach and teacher.  The main thing I've enjoyed about this class so far, and the thing that I could see myself doing on a permanent basis is social media.  I made a facebook fan page for my teams.  Through this type of media, I can get information out to my athletes, their parents, as well as to anyone interested in our team.  This is a great venue for people to see how our season is going or our upcoming schedule.  As far as PE is concerned, I think a lot of what I've learned in this class would be very useful in certain units, such as nutrition, where it is very cognitive in nature.  Learning how to make a good slideshow presentation, or how to use videos or pictures for educational purposes would be very helpful.
Derek Stutzman
5/27/2012 05:07:03 pm

I think you will find that the Facebook page is a great way to communicate with athletes, families, and even past players. I have had a page for my team the past couple of years and have posted video, schedules, and other announcements. Past players have also commented on the site. It is a good way for them to stay connected to what is happening with the team and school. I am considering having someone post Twitter or Facebook status updates of our away games this coming season as well.


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    May 2012

